Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ikan bakar day

Hey people. This is the first week of my new semester. I have to take 5 subjects this semester. Horror!!! WHY? Because 4 subjects are new subject which means they will put in a lot of chapters and will only filter out those not necessary at the end of our semester for our juniors. So tiring. Heamatology and Pathology still haunts me from previous semester. Let's not talk about Toxicology for being the subject with the thickest set of notes. Haha. Well, this semester I'll be taking Pharmacology, Oncology, Virology, Interpersonal Communication ( elective subject and strongly recommended by Cindy ) and Nuclear Medicine!! I have no idea what the whole subject is about but from what I heard, our batch is the only batch that will take this subject because the lecturer that was supposed to teach us bail out at the last minute, so this subject was shared among 5 lecturers. I think next semester, they might not have this subject anymore. I really hope that this subject is not as hard as it sounds. Haha.

There are a few new lecturers this semester. Some is quite nice. There is this lecturer that talks really slow and has a lot moment of silence. Haha. It was really funny. Maybe it is just introduction for the subject and it is his first time meeting us. I think he should do alright. The other lecturer that isn't a new lecturer, he gave his lecture in a really funny way. When he talks, he tend to look on the floor. He usually looks on the right side. Haha. But seriously, I have no idea what he is talking about on the first lecture. I know he's talking about electron but anything other than that, I have no idea. Haha.

Today went for ikan bakar session with Wai Leng and Tsuey Wenn. It was really fun because all the 3 of us had the same craving. Haha. Well, when the 3 of us are together, the gossip session is a must. Haha. We exchanged shocking news today. It was fun. We should do this more often. Haha.

My friend lost someone dear to her today. I received the news in the evening. From her voice, I can hear that she is trying very hard not to cry because she's in a train on her way to her aunt's house to go back Ipoh together. It really broke my heart hearing her voice in that situation. It must be a tough time for her family especially my friend. I hope that your grandma will rest in peace. Be strong.

I heard the most terrible story in history ever. I'm really angry and furious. I mean, common laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I really cannot tell the whole story here because I have to protect my friend. All I have to say is I'm really sorry for her because she has a bunch of unresponsible friend that are really shitty and sucky. I really hate them very much for causing my friend to have an unpleasing memory of something that was supposed to be nice at the first place. I really cannot believe that there are such terrible and ..... gosh, I really don't know what word can be used to describe them. I really am super angry when I heard the story today. ARGHHHHHHHHH &#%!ing shit friends. HATE U ALL. Luckily I don't know them.

Okay, okay. Must calm down now.



Anonymous said...

mana ikan bakar? mid valley?

Anonymous said...

luckily ur fren me is not that way..i play u ady..i wont throw u ..i will responsible ya~ ngek ngek ngek...(throwing up in behind)