Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sad sad case of Baby Ho

This post will be photo-less. It's because I'm damn lazy to transfer photos from my mobile to pink lappie. But it's easier to transfer compare to last time because my dear pink lappie has bluetooth :)

Anyway, the past week was amazing. My dear baby life was in danger. It all started when she started losing appetite all of a sudden. I was very worried about her that I sent her over to Kitt's house so that someone can look after her because there was nobody at my house during normal working hours. That night, while I'm having dinner, aunty called and say Baby just gave birth to a puppy but the puppy died! I am so worried about my Baby that time... I nearly burst into tears in the middle of Jaya One. Damn embarassing weh.. Hehe. Well, that is me okay. Anyway, when I reached Kitt's house later on, baby was already in the cage. They said she don't know how to "push" the puppies out. Someone came and gave her a few ocytoxin shots that were supposed to help contraction but then still no sign of another puppy till 11pm. Suspecting something wrong, they contacted a vet that came all the way from Mantin to do a ceasearan on Baby OR Baby's life would be in danger. I felt really dizzy that time and thought that I would faint soon. OMG!! The worst thing is I have to go home because mum called me and asked me to go home immediately. At that time I'm worried that I might not be able to be Baby's side if something goes wrong. Haihhh.... I have no choice but to go home. Thanks to aunty who kept me updated through sms.

Well, the outcome is... Baby is okay now. She has 5 puppies but none of them survived. I am more than happy that Baby is okay now. About the puppies... well, I felt sorry that none of them survived. I'm so sorry my little babies :(

There is this long operation stiches-scar on baby's stomach now. She's doing fine except that she kept on hiding under the sofa and scratching the floor. I think she have no idea that her puppies are gone now. The operation somehow affect her emotionally. Hope that she get well soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg, no! the babies! i feel for baby T_______T