Monday, August 2, 2010

Muse – The Place of Large Pizza

Muse is a pub/bar/restaurant located at Jaya One near Brussel and Kissaten. I thought it’s a pub/bar but have no idea that it’s a restaurant as well. Since I have training every Thursday, I asked Calvin for dinner at that place.



Poor thing. He waited in the restaurant for 1.5 hour because my training ended really late. Being the most understanding bf, he kept on assuring me that it’s okay when I would not stop apologizing. Hehe. Thank you dear. He even smiled Mashimaro style for my camera when I told him I need a photograph of him. Hehe.


IMAG0214 Love the menu cover. Really artistic. Hehe.


IMAG0213 It’s a little bit dark inside, so have to turn on my camera’s flash. Our drinks. No prizes in guessing what drink that I ordered :p


IMAG0217 This is our large pizza. And by saying large, it is actually nearly the size of our table. When we asked the waitress how big is the pizza, she made the hand gesture that the pizza is nearly the same size as pizza hut’s medium pizza. But when they brought us the plate with pizza, it left us speechless. The plate is really big. We ordered the 4 seasons pizza. It has seafood, lamb, chicken and beef on it. I personally love the seafood pizza while Calvin prefer the lamb pizza. We were unable to finish the gigantic pizza. I think the pizza was meant for sharing with 3 to 4 people. Haha. Luckily it is quite good. Else, I would have demanded the waitress to bring it back and bring the smaller one because it is totally different from what she described. Hehe.


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